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Any Server: Abyssos Pandaemonium Savage (P5S-P8S) FULL LOOT

140 Hellenwong
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94.68% 32971 Orders
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All ffxiv services are 100% handmade by professional players who fully respect customers' privacy and account property. We will touch nothing and speak to no one during this service, and the entire process is manually made. You can also contact me for custom packages if you don't see the one you want listed. For each purchase you will receive the following: * P5S: 3x ilvl 630 Belt, Necklace, Bracelet, Earring, or Ring coffers * P6S: 2x ilvl 630 Gloves, Helmet, or Boots coffers + Crypt Glaze + Weapon Tomestone * P7S: 1x ilvl 630 Pants coffer + 1x ilvl 630 Gloves, Helmet, or Boots coffer + Crypt Twine + Crypt Ester * P8S: 1x Random ilvl 635 Weapon, 1x ilvl 635 Weapon coffer, 1x ilvl 630 Chestpiece coffer, 1x Mount * Note: P5S and P6S have a small chance to drop duplicate items that cannot be received due to the "unique" item property. You'll need to meet the following requirements: * Required iLVL610 to enter Pandemonium Abyssos Savage/ Fully Pentamelded Crafted Set * Pandemonium Abyssos Savage Unlocked(P5-P8) After you order from us,Please send your account login details to us via P2P chat,once we get it,we will complete your order as soon as we can,thank you for your trust." ======= Game: Final Fantasy XIV PC/Steam Service Requested: Account Login: Account Password: Data Center (NA/EU/JP/AU): Server: Job: Character Name: If u are steam login,pls fill the following Steam Login: Steam Password: Steam Backup Codes (At least three): ======