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Blog > Dark and Darker World of Smoke Pot: A Rogue's Arsenal

Dark and Darker World of Smoke Pot: A Rogue's Arsenal

Jan 12, 2024, 09:33:22 PST | Categories : Dark And Darker |

Hey guys, it's P2Pah here, and ever since I've been using smoke pot, I didn't realize how broken it was. Although Iron Maze nerfed the visual effects of it, that was not the main point of how insane the skill is. It slows down anyone in a 6m radius by 20%, which means nobody can catch up to you and nobody can get away from you. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of this unique skill, exploring its mechanics, advantages, and the thrilling gameplay experiences that follow.


The Potent Power of Smoke Pot:


Yes, you can smoke pot while chasing someone to slow them down, and not many people take advantage of this feature. The cooldown for smoking pot is super low, so use that to your advantage as well. Let's break down the potency of this skill and its impact on the gameplay.


1. Area of Effect Dominance:


Smoke Pot's ability to slow down anyone in a 6m radius is a game-changer. This means that in a close-quarters combat situation, you have the upper hand. Your enemies will struggle to catch up with you, giving you the freedom to maneuver and strategize effectively.


2. Versatility in Offense and Defense:


The versatility of the smoke pot shines when used both defensively and offensively. While being chased, activate the smoke pot to create distance and make it nearly impossible for opponents to close in. On the flip side, use it while pursuing a target to hinder their movements, making it easier to secure a kill.


3. Low Cooldown Advantage:


The super low cooldown of the smoke pot adds another layer to its effectiveness. It allows for frequent use in battles, providing consistent advantages throughout the gameplay. Rogue players can capitalize on this short cooldown to outmaneuver opponents and dictate the pace of engagements.


Gameplay Experience:


To showcase the power of smoke pot, P2Pah presents a gameplay video where he puts the skill to the test. The video highlights strategic moments where smoke pot turns the tide of battles, allowing P2Pah to outsmart and outplay opponents. The engaging commentary and reactions add a layer of entertainment to the video, creating a connection with the audience.


Unexpected Wins and Unique Strategies:


P2Pah's gameplay experiences reveal unexpected wins and unique strategies associated with the use of smoke pot. The ability to kite opponents with a dagger, unconventional Rogue builds, and successfully navigate through challenging situations showcase the depth and creativity that can be achieved with this skill.


Challenges Faced:


While demonstrating the power of smoking pot, P2Pah doesn't shy away from sharing the challenges he faces. Encountering other players, handling unexpected situations, and the inherent risks of being a Rogue contribute to the intensity and excitement of the gameplay.


Real-Time Interaction with Fans:


The article also touches upon P2Pah's real-time interaction with fans during the gameplay. Recognizing him in the game, fans express their admiration and engage with the content. This highlights the impact and influence that content creators like P2Pah have within gaming communities.


Personal Anecdotes:


In a departure from the gaming content, P2Pah shares a personal anecdote about a dental procedure. The unexpected and humorous account of getting teeth removed adds a touch of the creator's personality to the article, making it relatable and entertaining for readers.




In conclusion, the article explores the dark and darker world of smoke pot through the lens of P2Pah's gameplay experiences. From the skill's mechanics and advantages to unexpected wins and personal anecdotes, the content provides a comprehensive look at the life of a Rogue in this unique gaming environment. As P2Pah continues to engage with fans and showcase his skills, the allure of the dark and darker world of smoke pot remains a captivating aspect of the gaming landscape.

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