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Blog > WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Choosing the Right Class for You

WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Choosing the Right Class for You

Dec 05, 2023, 09:16:47 PST | Categories : WOW Classic SoD |

The drums of war echo through Azeroth once again, heralding the arrival of WoW Classic's Season of Discovery (SoD). With new challenges and rewards on the horizon, an age-old question resurfaces: which class should you choose to conquer the icy peaks of Ulduar and beyond?



Fear not, fellow adventurers, for this guide shall be your compass in this sea of uncertainty. We'll delve into the strengths and weaknesses of each class, helping you chart your course towards glory (and loot).


Warriors: The Quintessential Kings


Warriors, often considered the kings of Classic, continue to be powerhouses in Season of Discovery. Scaling incredibly well with better gear and buffs, they generate more rage, resulting in increased damage. With runes like Fangul and Consumed by Rage, Warriors become formidable at higher levels. While they face a slight dip in effectiveness at level 25, the potential for scaling makes them a top pick for those willing to invest time and effort.


Paladins: Versatile and Powerful


Paladins emerge as winners in Season of Discovery, offering versatility in tanking, damage dealing, and healing roles. With a much-needed taunt ability, Paladin tanks excel in pulling and AOEing down enemies. As healers, their well-rounded kit makes them indispensable in raid groups. Despite recent nerfs to Retribution Paladins, they remain one of the strongest DPS classes. Paladins' unique abilities and blessings, especially Salvation, make them a top choice for Alliance players.


Shamans: Horde's Powerhouse


The Horde sees significant buffs to Shamans, making them sought-after healers with the ability to heal multiple targets. Enhancement specialization becomes a viable DPS option, providing sustained damage. Season of Mastery introduces Shaman tanks, capable of handling large groups of mobs with unique abilities like a frontal cone of cold and a single-target taunt. Shaman's versatility extends to ranged casting, making them formidable damage dealers in both PVE and PVP.


Druids: All Four Specs Viable


Season of Discovery focuses on making all four Druid specs viable. Feral DPS becomes highly sought after with the introduction of Wild Strikes, a new and improved Wind Fury. Druid tanks gain survivability with Survival of the Fittest and contribute Wind Fury buffs. Boomkins receive new spells like Sunfire and Star Surge, eliminating Mana issues. Druids, once limited by buff caps, can now use all abilities freely, making them powerful healers with new abilities like Wild Growth.


Hunters: The Last Pure DPS


Hunters maintain their status as the last pure DPS class, offering multiple play styles from pet builds to melee and ranged snipers. The Lone Wolf talent enhances ranged damage, while the new Flanking Strike benefits melee Hunters. Hunters become essential for Horde groups with Aspect of the Lion, providing a 10% stat bonus. Hunters' versatility and ability to adapt to different play styles make them a reliable choice.


Rogues: Masters of PVP and PVE


Rogues continue to shine in both PVP and PVE scenarios. With new ranged abilities like a ranged kidney shot and a ranged slow, Rogues overcome one of their major weaknesses. The introduction of double dagger play styles and new abilities for both daggers and swords boosts their damage potential. Rogue tanks, focused on avoidance, become formidable, dodging attacks with over 100% avoidance. While lacking AOE abilities in Phase 1, Rogues remain a strong choice for those who enjoy both PVP and PVE.


Warlocks: Transformative Changes


Warlocks undergo transformative changes in Season of Discovery, turning into giant demon tanks with the Metamorphosis Rune. The class gains versatility with fire, shadow, and Affliction builds. Warlocks' AOE potential increases with Shadow Bolt Volley, Chaos Bolt, and Haunt. The introduction of demon form and other new abilities elevates Warlocks to new heights, making them powerful in both PVP and PVE.


Priests: Healing and Shadow Specializations


Priests receive focus on healing and making shadow specialization more viable. Shadow priests gain powerful AOE abilities like M Seer. The new ability, Huli, allows priests to debuff targets, reducing attack power, attack speed, and armor. While priests may face Mana issues at lower levels, they become potent healers in raids with abilities like Penance, Prayer of Mending, and Circle of Healing.


Mages: Masters of Elements and Healing


Mages continue to be masters of fire, frost, and arcane, with the added ability to heal. Fire Mages receive powerful abilities like Living Bomb and Living Flame. Arcane Mages shift away from frostbolt casting to abilities like Arcane Blast and Arcane Surge. Frost Mages gain increased damage potential in PVP with abilities like Ice Lance and Fingers of Frost. While Mage healing faces early nerfs, the class remains versatile in both DPS and healing roles.


Ultimately, the choice is yours, adventurer


Weigh your playstyle preferences, group needs, and server balance. Do you crave the thrill of raw melee combat, the cunning of stealthy takedowns, or the devastating power of arcane mastery? Choose wisely, for your class will be your companion through countless trials and triumphs.


Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Embrace the challenges, forge bonds with your comrades, and carve your legend into the icy peaks of Ulduar. May your blades be sharp, your spells fierce, and your spirit unwavering.

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