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Blog > WoW WOTLK Classic: A Week in ICC and Phase 4 Impressions

WoW WOTLK Classic: A Week in ICC and Phase 4 Impressions

Oct 21, 2023, 10:15:10 PST | Categories : WOW WoTLK Classic |

It's been a week since the long-anticipated Icecrown Citadel (ICC) opened its doors in World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King (WOTLK) Classic. Raiders, both casual and hardcore, have dived headfirst into the frozen depths of Northrend, battling hordes of the Scourge and the Lich King himself. As the raiding community navigates the challenges of Phase 4, it's time to delve into the details of this new chapter.



The Scourge Stone System and Random Dungeon Finder


Phase 4 brought some significant changes to WOTLK Classic, starting with the introduction of the Scourge Stone system and the Random Dungeon Finder. These changes have been met with a largely positive response from the player base.


The Scourge Stone system allows players to earn rewards by turning in Scourge Stones, which drop from various enemies in Northrend. This addition has injected new life into the world and provides additional motivation for players to explore, engage in world PvP, and participate in various activities. The Scourge Stones also encourage players to venture into the most dangerous areas of Northrend, adding an element of risk and reward to the game.


The Random Dungeon Finder (RDF) is another welcome addition to the game. It enables players to easily assemble groups for dungeons without the hassle of manually forming parties. This convenience is a game-changer, as players can quickly jump into dungeons, making the leveling and gearing process more efficient.


The RDF system has significantly reduced queue times, ensuring that players can hop into dungeons swiftly. However, as the phase progresses and more players accumulate high-tier gear from ICC, queue times may increase as fewer players participate in daily dungeons. The RDF system offers an essential quality-of-life improvement that enhances the overall player experience.


The Headless Horseman Event


Although the Headless Horseman event is not specific to Phase 4, its timing coincides perfectly with the new phase. This event offers updated rewards, including rings, weapons, and the coveted Headless Horseman's mount, all at item level 232. The event has also been streamlined, making it easier for players to participate and obtain the mount. To maximize your chances of acquiring these valuable items and daily emblems of frost, participating in this event is a must.


This event caters to players of all types, from top-end raiders to casual gamers and those looking to gear up alts. It provides a diverse array of rewards, ensuring that everyone can find something to pursue during Phase 4.


The Accessibility of Dungeons


With the implementation of the RDF system, players now have the opportunity to queue for random dungeons while questing. While this aspect of Phase 4 holds immense potential, it's crucial to assess the queue times, especially for different roles like tanks and healers, in various dungeons.


While queue times for tanks are expected to be nearly instant, as the player base progresses and reaches the Outland RDF dungeons, the queues may become slightly longer for everyone. Players' feedback and experiences in this regard will provide valuable insights into the system's efficiency.


The Ruby Sanctum and the Lich King


Phase 4 brings not only ICC but also the Ruby Sanctum, a single-boss raid. While the Ruby Sanctum is part of the phase, it will be released several weeks after ICC, adding an extra layer of excitement for raiders.


Speaking of the Lich King, players speculated about the raid's difficulty and how long it would take for the Lich King to fall into 25-man heroic mode. Surprisingly, it took just around 90 minutes for the first guild to defeat him. This rapid success demonstrates the collective skill and preparation of the player base.


However, it's essential to remember that while the Lich King may have fallen quickly into heroic mode, a considerable number of guilds are still progressing in normal mode. This highlights the discrepancy in difficulty between the two modes and the formidable challenge the heroic mode presents.


The Challenge of Raiding in Phase 4


Phase 4 offers a significant challenge for raiders. The bosses are demanding, with mechanics that require precise execution. A single mistake can be disastrous, making personal responsibility a paramount aspect of raiding in WOTLK Classic.


Raiders are encouraged to use add-ons like Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) or BigWigs to assist in tracking boss abilities. These add-ons provide warnings and timers, aiding players in reacting appropriately to imminent threats. While add-ons help, they are not a substitute for understanding boss mechanics.


For those tackling 10-man heroic raids, success largely depends on the composition of your group. Having off-spec healers is essential for certain encounters, such as Sindragosa, to deal with the increased damage output. A Holy Paladin is highly beneficial for many fights, such as Professor Putricide and the Lich King. While not mandatory, having one can streamline these encounters.


Moving forward, the choice of which bosses to tackle in heroic mode depends on your raid's composition and strengths. Bosses like Lady Deathwhisper may be more accessible for raids with cautious and clever players, who can handle mechanics and don't necessarily require high damage output.


Furthermore, bosses like Gunship are considered relatively easy in heroic mode and provide an opportunity for raid groups to secure loot without immense difficulty. Rotface and Festergut are also viable options, with a surprising number of guilds successfully defeating them on heroic.




Phase 4 of WoW WOTLK Classic has been met with enthusiasm and excitement. The Scourge Stone system, the Random Dungeon Finder, and the Headless Horseman event have injected fresh energy into the game. ICC, with its challenging encounters and heroic modes, has presented a formidable task for raiders. Phase 4 offers something for players of all types, from casual gamers to top-end raiders.


As the player base continues to progress and explore the mysteries of Northrend, the legacy of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is revitalized, reminding players of the timeless appeal of this iconic expansion. The challenges that lie ahead in Phase 4 promise to keep the world of Azeroth engaged and enthralled.


If you haven't yet embarked on this journey through WOTLK Classic, now is an excellent time to join the adventure. Whether you're a dedicated raider or a casual player, Phase 4 offers a wealth of content and experiences to explore. So, grab your weapons, assemble your party, and venture forth into the frozen heart of Northrend, for the Lich King awaits.

We hope our ICC and Phase 4 article has been helpful to you. If you want to know more about WoW WOTLK Classic or are interested in buying WoW WoTLK Gold, please feel free to visit P2Pah.

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