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Blog > WoW Classic SoD: Power Surges at Level 40

WoW Classic SoD: Power Surges at Level 40

Feb 29, 2024, 09:33:46 PST | Categories : WOW Classic SoD |

This well-written article provides a comprehensive overview of how each class in WoW Classic will benefit from reaching level 40 in Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 2. It effectively combines class analysis with anticipation for the upcoming phase, offering valuable insights for players. Here are some key takeaways:

WoW Classic Season of Discovery


· Level 40 unlocks crucial abilities and talents, significantly boosting class performance.

· New runes in Phase 2 will further enhance power levels, but the article focuses on known abilities and talents for realistic expectations.

· Each class analysis highlights specific abilities and potential playstyles to look forward to.

Class-Specific Highlights:

· Warlock: Hellfire channels for AoE threat with potential for high damage using runes.

· Mage: Living Flame and Living Bomb enable face-tanking large groups, potentially reaching Zul'Aman for efficient farming.

· Priest: Shadow Priest might see improvement with better mana efficiency and scaling, but balance is crucial. Mind Control offers interesting possibilities in new raid encounters.

· Druid: Star Surge potential increases significantly with Moonkin talents, making it a powerful ranged nuke.

· Rogue: Gaining core PvP abilities like Cheap Shot and Kidney Shot will solidify their dominance, but mitigation remains a challenge.

· Hunter: Beast Mastery might still be strong, but Marksmanship scales better with weapon damage and could see a rise. New pet abilities and talents offer exciting possibilities.

· Shaman: Elemental spec receives significant boosts with improved spell ranks, talents, and Overload proc chance. Chain Heal potential with Ancestral Guidance is intriguing.

· Paladin: Holy healing might improve with Illumination, but a healing rune would be impactful. Consecration effectiveness depends on raid mechanics. Reckoning talent offers potential in PvP and PvE.

· Warrior: Titan's Grip possibility with the new mace could be overpowered. Deep Wounds might remain a strong point for Arms spec.


· Clear and concise class breakdowns.

· Emphasis on known abilities and talents for realistic expectations.

· Generates excitement for Phase 2 with potential playstyle shifts.

· Encourages reader engagement with build discussions.

Potential Improvements:

· Briefly mention potential impact of new runes for each class.

· Consider adding a concluding section summarizing key takeaways and overall class power dynamics.

Overall, this is an excellent article that effectively informs and excites readers about the power advancements coming in WoW Classic SoD Phase 2. With minor additions, it can be even more impactful for players preparing for the upcoming content.

For more of the latest WoW Classic Season of Discovery content and guides or to buy WoW Classic SoD Gold, be sure to keep up to date with P2Pah

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